Couples Therapy

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What to Expect in Couple’s Therapy

Elements of Couple’s therapy include:

  • Defining what success looks like to you
  • Understanding your "dance" or patterns as a couple
  • Taking responsibility for your role in the conflict
  • Addressing untreated mental health conditions
  • Learning and practicing key relationship skills
  • Using helpful frameworks to talk about sensitive subjects
  • Learning about oneself and healing past wounds
  • Shifting from the reactive part of the brain into the "wise adult" self
  • Assessing and maintaining progress on your goals

"The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives." 
- Esther Perel -

Initial Consultation

Couples Therapy starts with a 60-minute consultation with both partners present. During this session, you will have the opportunity to share your current concerns, clarify your relationship goals, and ask questions about the couples therapy process.

At the end of the session, I will share my initial impressions and treatment recommendations. I will also let you know if I feel I can help you. We can then schedule a recurring appointment time that works for you and your partner, based on what is available.

Ongoing Couples Therapy - 6 Months

Couples who achieve the most success commit to 6 months of consistent therapy. This allows you to focus on and fully invest in the process. I recommend that you begin weekly, with the option of reducing to every other week once you have gained momentum.

After 6 months, we will assess progress on your relationship goals. At this time, you can determine if you feel complete, or would like to continue for another 6 months.

These sessions last from 50 to 60 minutes, depending on your scheduling needs and what unfolds in the session. Some sessions will take the full hour, and others may feel complete at 50 minutes.

Couples Therapy - 3 Months

If you are not able to commit to 6 months of therapy, you have the option to choose a shorter duration. We can discuss what option is right for you, based on your treatment needs.